March 05, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
105 Utica Road Clinton, NY 13323
United Methodists first adopted an official ritual for Ash Wednesday that involves the use of ashes in the 1992 Book of Worship. Prior to that time, Methodists either had no official service at all for this day (through 1964) or an “ashless” Ash Wednesday Service (1965 Book of Worship). The use of ashes remains optional in the current Book of Worship, and, indeed, in all rites for this day. Ashes are an "accessory" that demonstrates an awareness of mortality and an intent to repent. The actual awareness and the corporate and personal acts of repentance are the substance of services for the first day of Lent.
In many churches the ashes are made by burning the palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday.
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