Church Council Co-Chairs – Catherine Marhenke and Tom Kramer
Financial Secretary – Pat Bramley
Lay Leader – Tom Kramer
Lay Member of Annual Conference – Peter Walenta
Recording Secretary – Alma Ingalls
Treasurer – Current Expense – Abby Drumm
Treasurer – Future Building Fund – Mary Jane Rogers
Treasurer – Trustees – Gordon Felt
Benevolence Treasurer – Bryan Roy
Christian Education - Carol Klausner
SPPRC Co-Chairs - Gail Warchol and Rit Fuller
Worship Co-Chairs - Pastor Abel and Bob Turner
Mission/Outreach Co-Chairs - Bryan Roy and Alma Ingalls
Memorial Committee Chairperson - Betsy Jensen
Christian Education Chairperson - Angela Kramer
Christian Education Coordinator - Carol Klausner
Safe Sanctuaries Coordinator - Gail Warchol
UWF President - Carol Klausner
Camping Coordinator - Amy Wainright
Church Lawyer - Jay Williams III
Church Historian - Richard Williams
Admin. Assistant/Office Manager - Crystal Faria
Music Director - Julia Omelko
Custodial - Michael Chicchelly
Christian Education Coordinator - Carol Klausner
Church Council – Catherine Marhenke and Tom Kramer (Co-Chairs Church Council), Betsy Jensen, (Chair Trustees), Alma Ingalls (Recording Secretary), Carol Klausner (UWF President), Pastor Abel, Dick Williams (Church Historian), Tom Kramer (Lay Leader), Gail Warchol and Rit Fuller (SPPRC Co-Chairs), Angela Kramer, (Chair Christian Education), Bryan Roy (Chair Outreach), Amy Wainright (Camping), Julia Omelko, (Music Director).
The Church Council meets monthly to coordinate all church activities. On the Council are chairs of all major committees plus at-large members. Each reports to the members and major decisions are made by the Council.
Board of Trustees – Betsy Jensen (Chair), Kerry Rogers, Gordon Felt (Treasurer), Matt Klausner (Secretary), Brymer Humphreys (Vice-Chair), Tom Kramer, Michelle Townsend, Larry Fanelli, Jim Bramley, Tom Marhenke, Amy Wainright.
The purpose of the trustees is to supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation of the Clinton United Methodist Church.
Building and Development – Carol Klausner, Mary Jane Rogers, Carolyn Quinton, Kerry Rogers, Bill Ziesenitz, Brymer Humphreys
The Building Committee is responsible for the design and implementation of church facility modifications. As directed by the Administrative Council, the Building Committee investigates alternate means of providing needed updates and makes recommendations. With approval of the Administrative Council, the Building Committee implements requested changes. Recent updates of the church door security systems, Nursery School and office facilities are examples of Building Committee projects.
Camping Agent – Amy Wainright
Christian Education – Angela Kramer (chair), Ann Rieben, Judi Scoones, Allison Soposki, Michele Townsend, Karen Hertline, Jennifer Morrissette, Michael Townsend, Bryan Roy, Carol Klausner, (Sunday School Superintendent/ CE Coordinator)
As United Methodists we believe that we are on a lifelong journey of faith – aways growing and changing, teaching and learning. All of us need to continue to grow into Christ and live in ways that are patterned after the perfection of Christ. The teaching ministry of our congregation helps ensure this continued growth. At Clinton United Methodist Church we offer a variety of opportunities for quality Christian education for both adults and children
Finance – Peter Walenta, Mary Jane Rogers(Co-Chairs), Abby Drumm, Tom Kramer (Lay Leader and Church Council Chair), Rit Fuller and Gail Warchol, (SPPRC Co-Chairs), Catherine Marhenke (Church Council Co-Chair), David Head, Jean Wainright.
The Finance Committee has oversight of the church’s revenue and expenses, and monitors progress toward balancing our overall budget. The Finance Committee leads an annual campaign to increase the number and amount of pledges from the congregation and also takes responsibility for fundraising efforts around specific needs of the church.
Memorial Committee – Betsy Jensen, Wendy Humphreys, Don Henry
Outreach – Bryan Roy, Alma Ingalls (Co-Chair Chairs)
Ministry of Presence: Alma Ingalls
Kids Clothing Exchange: Michelle Huther
Rummage Sale (UWF): Laura Fuller & Betsy Jensen
Red Cross: Jim Bramley
Christmas Families: Carolyn Quinton
Morrow Center: Helen Bartlett
Country Pantry: Gisela Bronga
Welcome Packets: Rosemarie Tinkler,
Diana Shaw, Robin & Fred Wiginton, Rebecca Roy
The Outreach Committee meets during the year to decide how to support outreach, locally and around the world.
Staff Pastor Parish Relations – Rit Fuller and Gail Warchol (Co-Chairs), Jennifer Morrissette, Karin Murray, Bill Zeiter, Etta Head, Emmeline MacPherson, Paul Hagstron, Lisa Schilling.
The Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee relates to all staff and brings together both staff and congregational interests to focus on the mission of the church. It deals with management functions normally taken care of by a business Human Resources department and deals with both celebrations and disappointments inherent in any human family church.
United Women in Faith– Carol Klausner, Chairperson
The United Women in Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to worship God, to enjoy fellowship and to participate in mission activities. Membership is open to all women of the church.
Worship Committee –
Pastor Abel, co-chair (communion assistants, special services)
Bob Turner, co-chair (music, sound system, special services, altar guild)
Tom Kramer, ex officio (streaming, sound system)
Julia Omelko, ex officio (music, sound system, special services)
Gail Warchol (ushers, greeters, and readers; flowers; PowerPoints)
Laura Fuller (or Dawn Dziuban when Laura is away) (communion stewards)
Carol Klausner (acolytes, special services)
Tom Marhenke (altar guild, streaming, sound system)
Larry Fanelli (music)
Gail Warchol, Lisa Schilling (communion assistants)
Angela Kramer (special services)
The Worship Committee plans worship services for the greater glory of God, to infuse the teachings of Christ into the life of the church, and to engage the congregation in following the Holy Spirit.