Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Clinton United Methodist Church Nursery & PreSchool

February 10, 2025  To the Families and Friends of Clinton United Methodist Church Nursery School, It is with heavy hearts that we announce this will be the last year of operation for Clinton United Methodist Nursery School. After much deliberation, it has been determined that our program will no longer be sustainable after June 2025. Please know that this decision has not been made lightly. Rest assured that Clinton United Methodist Church Nursery School will continue to operate as normal through the end of this school year for both the 3-year-old and 4- year-old classes. We take great pride in the love and care that we provide for all our students and are dedicated to making the next five months special for each one of them. Since our program’s inception in 1968, it has been our honor to provide nursery school programs for the children of our community. Through the years, hundreds of little feet have come through our classroom doors and left footprints on our hearts. To celebrate our program’s long history and the many memories we’ve shared, we plan to host a celebration on Saturday, June 14 th . Please mark your calendars. We will send more details about the event in the coming months. We want to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have helped make Clinton United Methodist Church Nursery School a success for so many years. First, we are forever grateful to all the teachers and teaching assistants that have given their endless dedication and huge hearts to our students. Their love and support are truly what has made our program so special. Thank you to the Clinton United Methodist Church for letting us build our program within their walls, believing in us, and standing by us. A very special thank you to the United Women in Faith for their continuous generosity and never-ending dedication to our nursery school. Their nurturing support helped ensure our program was accessible and available to all students. Finally, thank you to each of the families that chose us and trusted us with their children. We are blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of your lives and for all the moments we shared with your children. Please know that the echoes of our students’ giggles will ring loudly in our hearts and memories for years to come. Sincerely, The Clinton United Methodist Church Nursery School Board


Thank you for your interest in our school.  Our purpose is to provide a preschool program for children to develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually through organized activities and free play in an atmosphere of warmth and caring.  We strive to provide an environment where children feel safe, grow in confidence and develop social skills and empathy under gentle guidance and sincere love.

Class Opportunities

Preschool Class:  Our preschool class meets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:15 to 11:30.  This kindergarten readiness class is for children who will be four years old by December 1st of the year they attend.  The class is limited to 16 children. 

Nursery School Class:  Our nursery school class meets on Thursday and Friday mornings from 9:15 to 11:30.  This class is for children who will be three years old by December 1st of the year they attend.  The class is limited to 12 children.

It is required that all children be toilet trained to enroll in any of our classes.

Summer Activities

Plan to join us for a variety of preschool summer camps (pre-registration required) and weekly drop-in Summer Stories in July!  


Our classroom is located within the Clinton United Methodist Church building.  We have a private entrance with a video enhanced security system.  The children’s restroom is accessible from our within our classroom.  Our fenced playground is also immediately accessed from our classroom.  


Our staff includes Mary Burdick as Director/Lead Teacher and Assistant Teacher Melanie O’Neil.  Both have been members of our program for several years and  have had their own children attend our various programs.  Mrs. Burdick and Mrs. O'Neil are dedicated to providing your child with a safe and nurturing environment to explore, learn, and grow.

Daily Routine

We start our sessions with child-chosen activities.  The classroom is arranged with activity and creativity centers that include a block area to inspire building and counting skills and a dolls/kitchen/dress-up area for role playing and pretend play.  Additionally puzzles, books, trucks, trains, animals, writing and art supplies are always available to our students.  Circle time provides an opportunity for us to come together as a group to enjoy songs, stories and discussions relative to our daily theme.  We also complete a daily craft.  After having a snack, children enjoy games, stories and outdoor play (weather permitting).


For further information about our program, please call the church office at 315-853-3358 or email  You can also follow us on Facebook: Clinton United Methodist Nursery Preschool